What is Life Coaching?

Welcome to Lara Johnson's Life Coaching Services

I help moms find and answer their purpose. I believe when a woman wakes up to what she's meant to do, the whole world shifts for the better.

Since launching my business in 2018, I have helped hundreds of women worldwide figure out who they are and who they're meant to be, in addition to their calling of Mom.

Many of these moms have gone back to school, started businesses and nonprofits, launched new or returned to previous careers, wrote books, songs, or poetry, created art, organized rallies, ministered in their church, schools, and community, became speakers, ran companies, and owned being a professional mom.

Your purpose is waiting for you. Let's discover your purpose. Together.

With my "Discover Your Purpose" guidebook, you will...

  • Create more joy and fulfillment

  • Stop spinning on your ideas and start moving forward on them

  • Become who you're meant to be while being the mom you want to be


Can I Book A Consultation Call?

The consultation is one hour. There is no charge for it. Consultation calls can be scheduled over Zoom or in person.

Is This A Sales Call?

No. I don't like pressure, nor will I pressure you.

80% of the call we will discuss your dreams and path forward.

10% I will discuss my program.

10% I leave open for questions.

I want to ensure that you leave the call with clarity and peace as to your next steps.

If that includes me as your coach, great. If not, I am happy to provide or recommend other resources to you!

What Will We Talk About In The Call?

I break the consultation down into 3 sections.

  1. Tell me a little about yourself and what led you to scheduling your consultation right now.

  2. An intake that helps me better understand you. This includes questions I will ask you about your dreams, goals, family, and household management.

  3. What is included in my program, and if it's a good fit for you.

I will guide you through these 3 sections so that you feel safe, seen, and heard as we discuss the matters of your heart. 

I Have Kids At Home Will That Be A Problem?

I love kids, I have 4 of them! Kids often come on client calls. It doesn't bother me; however, I find that it can be harder for you to focus.

So, it might be helpful have another adult around, get a sitter, or plan the consultation during nap or electronic times. This can help you get the most out of your consultation.

Is This Neurodivergent Friendly?

In my immediate family of 6, I have 3 that are autistic. 4 that are ADHD (myself included). And a handful more diagnoses like PDA (a subtype in autism called pathological demand avoidance or pervasive drive for autonomy) dyslexia, sensory processing disorder, anxiety, and depression.

Although we are not defined or limited by these labels, they are useful in communicating our different learning and living styles.

As a result, what I teach is ND friendly, and regularly applied to myself, and my home and family.

What Is The Cost Of Your Program?

$5,000 for 6 months of weekly coaching with optional videos, worksheets, and email coaching for real time help.

Or, monthly payments of $850.