Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy: Where lost hope finds new roads.

Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP)

Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) is a holistic treatment approach that combines ketamine with psychotherapy, enhancing the therapeutic process to enable more frequent breakthroughs and sustained symptom improvement. KAP is especially beneficial for those who feel stuck despite trying various methods, as it can provide a deeper level of healing and insight.

Ketamine is a legal and safe drug that is used to treat mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD. It starts working quickly, often within 1-2 hours after taking it, and its positive effects can last for up to two weeks. Ketamine works by helping certain parts of the brain that help control mood and stress, it helps the brain form new connections that improve how it functions. This can lead to long-lasting improvements in symptoms.

Trial KAP Package

Ideal for those new to Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) and hesitant about committing to six sessions, this package offers a two-session trial. If you choose to proceed with the full KAP program afterward, the trial payment will be credited towards the Standard Protocol Package.

This package includes an initial consultation, two 2-hour dosing sessions, and two 60-minute integration sessions, all for $600. This package is not billable to insurance and will be self-pay.

Standard KAP Package (6 sessions)

Our plan is based on National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH) protocols.

Goals are set during the initial intake. The first session with medical determines eligibility and the ketamine lozenge dosage. The medical consultation and prescription will be provided from Great Salt Lake Wellness. Followed by 6 KAP sessions spread over six weeks with a therapist at Life Matters.

This plan includes the initial consultation, the preparation session, six 2-hour dosing sessions, and six 60-minute integration sessions.

See FAQ’s for more details.

** If using insurance, the price may be lower and will vary due to insurance coverage.**

  • Step 1.

    Initial consultation with Medical

    You begin by scheduling an initial evaluation with a mecical provider from Great Salt Lake Wellness. They review your medical and psychiatric history, educate you on the treatment, and assess your eligibility for KAP.

    If deemed eligible, they will customize a ketamine prescription and monitoring plan for you.

    They will then prescribe oral ketamine, sufficient for the first 2 KAP sessions. The medical team will instruct you on taking your vitals and self-administering the ketamine troque before the sessions begin.

  • Step 2.

    Preparation sessions

    After receiving your ketamine troques, we'll arrange our KAP preparation, dosing, and integration sessions. Preparation sessions, similar to regular therapy sessions, will be scheduled before the dosing session. These sessions aim to outline the process and set intentions for our upcoming KAP sessions together.

  • Step 3.

    Dosing Session

    A typical ketamine dosing session is 2 hours long and occurs in-person at our office. During the session, you will self-administer your ketamine troque and lie comfortably in a reclining position, wearing an eye mask and listening to soothing music. While the KAP dosing session is primarily an internal experience, your therapist will be there throughout to support and provide a safe space as needed.

  • Step 4.

    Integration Sessions

    After the KAP dosing session, you will meet with your therapist for integration therapy sessions to discuss the memories, thoughts, and insights that emerged during your dosing, and to get ready for the next session.

  • Step 5.

    Follow-up consultations with Medical

    The medical team may schedule regular follow-ups to monitor your progress and, if appropriate, prescribe ketamine troque refills. The frequency of these follow-ups will be determined by the medical provider at Great Salt Lake Wellness.


What is Ketamine?

Ketamine is a legal, safe and effective medicine used to treat a variety of mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety and PTSD. Ketamine has rapidly-acting antidepressant and mood-enhancing effects, which can begin to take effect within 1-2 hrs. after treatment and last for up to 2 weeks. It works by blocking the brain’s NMDA receptors as well as by stimulating AMPA receptors, which are thought to help form new synaptic connections and boost neural circuits that regulate stress and mood. Ketamine has also been shown to enhance overall neuroplasticity for lasting symptom improvement.

Ketamine can be administered in a variety of ways, including IV infusion, intramuscular injection, via nasal spray and using sublingual lozenges. In my work with Great Salt Lake Wellness, we only use the sublingual lozenge form.

How Does Ketamine Feel?

The effects of ketamine, which most clients find pleasant, last for approximately 45 minutes. These effects can make you feel “far from” your body, and facilitate shifts in perception that can often feel expansive in nature. Your motor and verbal abilities will be reduced, so you’ll be lying down in a comfortable position during the experience. Once these effects subsided, we’ll spend the remainder of our appointment giving you space to process and discuss your experience. While it may feel hard to articulate what happened during the experience, patients feel like the insights gained are none-the-less clear. Studies have shown that the benefits to mood and neurological growth can last up to two weeks after the Ketamine experience.

Do I Need A Chaperone?

Yes! They will be responsible for making sure you arrive home safely as you will not be able to drive yourself. This could be a friend, family member or Ride Share.

What Is The Cost?

The Trial Package:

This package includes an initial consultation, two 2-hour dosing sessions, and two 60-minute integration sessions, all for $600.

This package is not billable to insurance and will be self-pay.

The Standard Package:

Initial Consultation & Preparation Session (if billable to insurance): Varied based on insurance coverage.

  • Six (6) Integration Sessions (if billable to insurance): Varied based on insurance coverage.

  • Six (6) 2-hour Dosing Sessions (NOT billed to insurance at $200/session).  Total hours = 12hours.  Total cost = 6x$200 = $1200.  The balance for each dosing session is payable at time of service ($200 each dosing session).

  • Great Salt Lake Wellness (Separate Good Faith Estimate Received Directly Form Them):

    • Medical Evaluation and Prescription

How Do I Sign Up?

If you would like to explore the possibility of working with us on KAP, please call 385-219-4980 for more info.